drums drums drums

Well, last night (on April Fools’ Day no less), something happened that hasn’t happened in a very long time.

Freakwitch performed with a drummer.

He was a very skilled, experienced drummer who hasn’t played in a while. But it’s clear to me that were he to choose to do so, he could easily learn the tunes and become part of a very tight band, something that Freakwitch hasn’t experienced in a while. Sadly, I’m not yet convinced his reality is such that he can dive in to a project like this; Freakwitch at this point would be a 2-night per week commitment at the very least.

On another note, he was a little taken aback by my drum programming, saying that it sounded like a “real drummer.” Maybe he was just saying that, but he seemed sincere. So it was good to hear. My work at learning this is apparently paying off. He also got a kick out of performing the “drums” on the keyboard.

So those of you so inclined, send energy to Freakwitch finding the right drummer soon. Given the energies in my life lately, it would not surprise me at all to find one on our doorstep very soon. And if the right drummer were to appear, I think we’d sound a lot more interesting in a live context. And given the burgeoning music scene in Portland, there should be many opportunities to play in front of us.


The month of April typically conjures two things in my mind. First, and foremost (said the trickster), is April Fool’s Day. Second, is the trite phrase pounded in to my elementary-school consciousness: “April showers bring May flowers.”

While bewaring sudden manifestations of pilgrim boats, it is indeed a rainy April day, gray, wet, and gorgeous. It’s supposed to keep raining for the next 36 hours or so. Don’t get me wrong, at this stage I prefer it to snow. Spring is here, and although there are the skeletal remnants of snow — which unlike bleached bones get dirtier as they decay — the air is warmer, and the lingering snowbanks know their time is running out.

But when the last drop of water melts and is reabsorbed into the mother, new stirrings are evident. Sprouts of green poke up and demand to be seen by attentive souls. New beginnings, another pass on the spiral of birth, growth, death, and rebirth, leave their energy imprints all around them; they touch everything that looks upon them, leaving a sweet taste of possibility and hope upon the palate.

Today, I feel life rejuvenated.

And all these stirrings land in my lap on April Fool’s Day. Could it be one giant cosmic joke? Could the ineffable trickster be toying with me? Possibly. I’ve never quite discounted the notion of the Cartesian “evil genius” whose sole purpose is to mess with our reality, obscuring the division between reality and fantasy. But the evidence for this is less and less, as the Brezsnian notion of pronoia — the irrational belief that all of creation is conspiring to shower you with blessings — seems more and more real to me as time goes on.

Spring is here. Blessings are real. Just sayin.’


It’s really slow at work tonight, which just gives me more time to understand how sleepy I am. My body thinks it’s about 2:30am right now, and I still have 2-3 hours of work left on a 12 hour shift. A few more days will clearly be required for me to reacclimate my system. I seem to be having much more difficulty with jetlag after the return than I did adapting the the UK. The fact that I’m staring at a computer screen for 12 hours today and tomorrow doesn’t help either. Ah well. It’s my reality, and I’m sticking to it.

Not sure what else to say about the trip. Everyone keeps asking me what my favorite part of it was. I’d be hard-pressed to choose from among 4 elements: 1) the Marillion weekend, 2) Glastonbury, 3) Inverness/Loch Ness, and 4) hanging out in Cornwall with the Beowulfs. After I thought about this list I was surprised that London wasn’t included it in; not that I have anything against London (on the contrary; it’s a remarkable city), I think this just is a reflection of the fact that in general I don’t much care for large cities. But it was great to see everything in London, and to meet Massimo and his family.

The worst part was simple: flying. I hate flying, not because of anything inherent in actually flying, but because the seats for the unwealthy are designed for anorexic barbie-dolls, actual size. Every time I sit in a plane seat, I feel like a sardine. There just isn’t enough space on the Airbus planes designed to accomodate 600 passengers. But it’s not that big of a deal; I can simply endure 7 hours of physical discomfort in order to experience another country. Definitely worth it.

I have been thinking about the differences between the US and the UK. I never felt like I was in danger in the UK. Of course, there aren’t any guns in the UK (or at least not like there are here), but I think the difference is bigger than that. I strongly think it’s related to what Michael Moore reported as the “culture of fear” in America in his film Bowling for Columbine. That doesn’t seem to exist over there. Even in London, I felt safe. There isn’t the same kind of poverty in the UK that we have here, not that there isn’t poverty but the government programs over there are far superior to what we have in the states. For example, I was talking to one single mother there who gets 800 pounds per month in child support; that’s equivalent to about $1500/month, which if you stretch it is enough to live on, albeit without luxury. But this person also worked fulltime with a salary, which did not disqualify her from the benefits as it would in the states. So people have an underlying sense of security, I think, that they will be taken care of no matter how bad things get, a sense that is missing the US which so prides itself on its “rugged individualism” and “social Darwinism” that is so deeply ingrained in US culture.

Going through customs/immigration in both countries was very telling. When we arrived in the UK, the immigration officer was polite, pleasant, dressed in a simple uniform, and asked us basic questions about how long we planned to stay in the UK and what our business was there (“we’re just on holiday”). We chatted for a bit, and he stamped our passports, smiled, and told us to have a wonderful time in his country.

When we got to the US, we were confronted with a huge line, the workers behind each customs station peering out from behind thick bulletproof glass, everyone in a uniform heavily armed with guns, stuck sheepishly holding out the paperwork we were required to fill out. They wanted to know everything we were bringing back into the country and its cash value. Certain things are prohibited, innocuous things like fresh food items, and if you are caught with them you will be fined on the spot and denied entry until you pay the fine.

A culture of fear, indeed…

All in all, it was a fantastic trip on so many levels. I got to see things I’d wanted to see for many years (ie, Glastonbury, Scotland, a European Marillion audience), got to meet some great people, and we did it all within our budget. I literally arrived home with a pound or two of UK change left out of all our travel money. So we didn’t have to tap in to our credit cards, which is of course wonderful.

I played some music last night with Freakwitch, and I was of course rusty. And exhausted. But it fed the fires again; I’m really eager to dive back in to the recordings and to develop a solid live show. It looks like our bassist is considering relocating south, which would be good news in terms of his accessibility to the band. Either way, forward momentum….

Tour Brittania 2005

The UK trip photos are uploading. I’ll be tweaking them over the next few days. I spend most of last night and a good chunk of this morning putting in comments for each of the 304 pictures, but for some reason the comments don’t seem to be uploading in the web photo album. That’s OK, I should be able to fix that. In addition, there are too many columns, you have to scroll horizontally on the index pages to see them all. But that’s OK, I’ll fix that too.

Anyway, enjoy the photos! Feel free to leave comments here or email me if you have questions about any of the shots.


Just a quick note to say that we’re home. We left the house in Cornwall at 5:30am, UK time. Note that this almost exactly 23 hours ago. I haven’t slept since. Needless to say, I’m exhausted and I’m off to bed.

Thanks to everyone involved with this trip on whatever level, from family who made this possible to friends we met while there.

I finished with 304 photographs that I will most likely post tomorrow. Watch this space.

Cornish castles

Staying in Lostwithiel has been a delightful denouement to our trip. Getting to know the Beowulfs has been fantastic; I really feel that there is a very solid foundation for a good friendship to last well into the future. They are already thinking of a trip to the US (and of course Maine) next year. We’re finding very similar values across our (albeit subtle — this as after all England and not so very different from America) cultural differences. I’ve already promised to set my daughter up with her own email address so that she can correspond to the little Beowulfs who have become good friends in such a short time (a few blowups notwithstanding).

Yesterday Mrs. Beowulf and I went to Tintagel where I was able to see the magnificent north Cornish coastline. The rockiness of it is similar to Maine, except the stones are a bit different, flatter and more slate-like than what we see at home. Then today my family and Mrs. Beowulf along with the little Beowulfs (who were held out of school today — I was surprised to discover that taking your children out of school in England requires advance permission from the headmistress of the school) took a picnic lunch on an expedition to both The Hurlers stone circles and Restormel Castle. The energy at the stone circle was quite good; another one of those ancient sites that were (or have been) sacred ground for so long that it can be felt if you pay close enough attention. And the views from the top of the round Castle were stunning; you could see the beautiful rolling hills of the Cornish countryside for miles around. There were also old Cornish tin mines right up on the land; the shafts were all around, around 8′ across and filled with earth. Now they look like pits; you have to be careful not to step on them or you could fall through.

We’re definitely in winding-down mode for our trip; we have to get up at stupid o’clock tomorrow morning to catch the train from Cornwall back to Heathrow for our flight home to Boston, where we’ll be arriving late afternoon EST.

And Mr. Beowulf, if you’re reading this, the best Freakwitch recording online thus far is Too Bad For You, though it remains just an audience recording from a gig we did a year or two ago. You (like all of us) will just have to wait for the proper album. We’re working on it, slow but sure.

For the last time, at least on this trip, cheers from the UK!


We rode the train yesterday for 8 hours from Edinburgh to Lostwithiel, a beautiful town in Cornwall where some new friends and fellow Marillion Weekenders (Mr. and Mrs. Beowulf — or at least those are their screen names on the Marillion forum) live. I’m writing this from their beautiful and comfortable home. My daughter is thrilled, as there are two little Beowulfs running about who are almost exactly the same age as her, so really for the first time this trip she has found some children excited to play with her, and don’t just stare at her uncomfortably because she talks funny.

The train ride was split neatly in half; 4 hours from Edinburgh to London Kings Cross station, a short tube ride over to Paddington station, and then another 4 hour train ride out to Cornwall. As beautiful as Scotland was, it was riding west through Somerset just south of Glastonbury where I found the landscape the most beautiful. It called to me in a very primal way, the gentle rolling hills interspersed with crop fields, these lands have been trodden for who knows how many thousands of years. There is a peculiar spiritual resonance I feel for this place that words cannot express.

We’ll spend the remainder of our trip here in Cornwall until we take the train back to London to catch our flight out of Heathrow back to Boston. Over the next few days I hope to walk around Cornwall, and perhaps travel to places like Tintagel or the Hurlers stone circle.

I should have a chance to post more in the next few days, so I’ll sign off for now.