Well, last night (on April Fools’ Day no less), something happened that hasn’t happened in a very long time.
Freakwitch performed with a drummer.
He was a very skilled, experienced drummer who hasn’t played in a while. But it’s clear to me that were he to choose to do so, he could easily learn the tunes and become part of a very tight band, something that Freakwitch hasn’t experienced in a while. Sadly, I’m not yet convinced his reality is such that he can dive in to a project like this; Freakwitch at this point would be a 2-night per week commitment at the very least.
On another note, he was a little taken aback by my drum programming, saying that it sounded like a “real drummer.” Maybe he was just saying that, but he seemed sincere. So it was good to hear. My work at learning this is apparently paying off. He also got a kick out of performing the “drums” on the keyboard.
So those of you so inclined, send energy to Freakwitch finding the right drummer soon. Given the energies in my life lately, it would not surprise me at all to find one on our doorstep very soon. And if the right drummer were to appear, I think we’d sound a lot more interesting in a live context. And given the burgeoning music scene in Portland, there should be many opportunities to play in front of us.