I just started writing again for the first time in a while; writing, that is, apart from the somewhat light blogging I’ve been doing over the past few months. I often use writing or journalling to help me process things. I can always improve my understanding of my current situation when I write about it. I just have to be careful about showing it to others; I have learned from a mistake in the past. I can’t show this writing without providing a proper context. ;-)
There is lots of energy moving in me and around me. My reality is in flux, and this flux is manifesting on several levels. Change is in the air–an appropriate thing for spring.
I realize this is very vague and doesn’t say much, but I don’t really want to give voice to much more than that just now. But don’t worry. I fully believe much of the change is in the form of release; energy blockages are clearing out. I often think about what effects these clearings will have as they settle in, both within myself and my community.
I know these changes are good, because I’ve been feeling a tremendous amount of joy and gratitude on many levels. My heart chakra is just overflowing with energy right now, and it feels wonderful. :-)
I am so blessed. There are some amazing people and amazing things in my reality. This is the prime source of my gratitude. My prayer is that I, and my community, will be able to use this energy in fruitful ways.