Yesterday I did a lot of work in the studio. In short, I modified the new ribbon mic, replaced the tubes in the preamps, rearranged the recording space to do acoustic guitar overdubs, and started experimenting with mic techniques. I wrote about it in much more detail over on the Freakwitch forums, so go read it if you want some more advanced audiogeekery. Bottom line: once again I am blown away. These are the best sounding acoustic tracks I’ve ever recorded. Very very cool. Mixing this album is going to be a treat.
I did kind of get a late start yesterday, which isn’t really a problem since I accomplished everything in the studio I’d hoped to anyway. Plus, I got to trade massages and spend the afternoon in a wonderfully squishy, comfortable headspace. Mmmmmm….
I know it’s probably getting old to read me saying this, but damn. Life really is good….